
タスク管理サービス:Remember The Milk(RTM)が大型アップデート!

6年近く前から私が愛用している、タスク管理のクラウドサービス、Remenber The Milk(略してRTM)が大型アップデートしました!




What’s new in the apps?

The advantage of redesigning and rebuilding all of our apps from the ground up (did we mention our insanity?!) is that we were able to pack in a whole bunch of new features. Some of the highlights include:

  • Subtasks - break your tasks down into smaller, more manageable pieces
  • Drag and drop reordering - rearrange your tasks in the order you plan to do them
  • Tag colors - make your lists both organized and colorful
  • All-new sharing - share your lists and give tasks to others to get things done faster
  • Notifications - get notified when someone shares a list or gives you a task
  • Individual task reminders - set different reminders for each of your tasks
  • Advanced sorting - sort and group your tasks however you like
  • Start dates - track when it’s time to start working on a task
  • Work offline - keep working on your tasks without an Internet connection

And that barely scratches the surface! Check out the What’s New page for the full details.



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